The past month has been very difficult in terms of my work. I have questioned my job description and thanked God that I did not go insane. As you have read previously, we had a new consignment of kids furniture coming in on June 19th and I had lamented severally on how stressful it has been just to have the goods cleared and released.
It has been a hectic and disorganised month. I would receive a call from the agent and he would say this amount of money is required, and because am all alone at the shop, I would have to close it, rush out, (wondering whether any client will come and find we are closed). I would go to the bank and wonder whether the transactions would go through or not. Sometimes I would make costly mistakes on the bank documents and I would pay dearly for them. I would then rush back to SAS exhausted and praying for clients to come.
Business has also been quite slow this month and I looked at the books one day and shed tears, wondering whether I would be able to pay rent and other bills end month.
Today am praising God, despite the exploitation and many lies I was told over the past month. I kept being told the consignment is coming out today and today would come and go. My ears were tired of hearing the lies, false promise . I looked at my phone log and I have called him over 72 times and sent many text messages. Finally the cargo was released on Monday and arrived on 19th July . I only relaxed when I saw the truck. Stock taking is not easy but I was glad that we finally had the cargo and despite the fatigue it was worth it. Am happy that yesterday I delivered furniture to a client who has been very understanding, patient and encouraging.
Thank you for those who prayed and encouraged me through that hard month. Most of all,am thankful to God, who gave me sanity and peace, that even at night I did not lose sleep. I am grateful for my beloved and Samara. They have been so supportive when I have talked and talked and cried on phone, Alex has been very reassuring, saying we have done our best and God will open the door for us. Samara has been a lovely child, very cooperative at the end of the day. On Tuesday evening, I was so fatigued and my body ached everywhere,hun and Samara massaged me. That evening, Alex helped with Samara to allow me to rest on the seat and I was thank you Lord for the little mercies.
In all these, I learned that sometimes there are battles that are beyond us, but God fights for us. He understands when we do not. He upholds us, when we want to hide in the deepest pit. I also learned to keep my word, may I not have a lying tongue, may I not make promises that I can not keep, may I call when I say I will and if am not able, may I say that am unable. I also learned that family and friends are very important because I would share my challenges with them and I got encouraged at the right time when I needed it.
So for now I am nursing a flu, maybe its stress related but I will be fine, praying for clients to come and for me to recover from that trauma of that month. For now I think of the Mombasa port and I have nothing good to write home about. Hope that can change with time.