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It Has Not Been Easy

Am reflecting on the time that my hubby and I decided that I would stay home until Samara will be 6months then we would know what to do with me. Staying home with the baby was the most rewarding thing that a parent would ask for, seeing your baby grow under your eyes, however what worried me was the financial aspect, we were relying on one income from my beloved and I kept thinking what will I do after the 6months.. You see my mum’s family people are entrepreneurs, my grand ma hopped from one town to another to provide for her 8kids, my aunts are in business, my mum is also in her own business but did I have the guts to start a business. They say the more educated you are the more fearful you are to start your own business because you know most start ups fail..but would I go back to employment? Well I remember mum encouraging me to pray and ask God to guide me and for sure he dropped ideas into my heart but did I have the guts?

It took months of planning with family, research, even enrolling for a course in salon management to understand salon industry. We identified a premise, renovated it and launched the kids salon. Oh it was so rewarding to see the glow in the children’s faces as they walked into a child friendly environment just for them. But the business started proving difficult after 2 months because we got an idea to start a kids only furniture store.

Oh and guess who was on the ground, Sylvia the super woman..need I explain that we started 2 start up businesses , I was a young wife and young mum to a 10month old. Saying I was running mad, thinner and thinner and stresses was an understatement. I repeatedly told my husband I would die on the road because I was either rushing downtown to buy hair products, or dashing to pay an electricity bill or sort out water then ran home to check on my young one. Its only God who carried me and all this time people are not making life easier..whats happening you are growing so thin?Would they care to try and put themselves in your shoes at the time? Just to give a word of encouragement? I am trying to be more sensitive to people out of the lessons learned.

I resolved that madness is not my portion and that emotional roller coaster wasn’t mine either and so lobbied for the salon to close because it had been run down.It was a difficult decision but the right one and I felt slightly better when I spoke to others in that industry who struggled like me and had also closed down,,it made me understand that I was not the problem, its just that for one to run a business like that you solely need to be there or have a trusted person who cant be compromised to supervise on your behalf. On that note let me congratulate all the salon owners who have made it because I now have a better view.
Lessons for me never try to bite too much at the same time..imagine a young family, with 2 start up businesses that was a bit too much at same time. We are learning to take it step by step. Today I am much happier, sober, still small bodied but hey am happy with me and I love my job today.


Ems Makuthi said…
Thanks Sly for your blog. I hope more Kenyan ladies can join so that we can encourage one another. To be honest, am proud of you and glad at how strong you are. Yes, sometimes when we start to do something, we always intend to imagine the end of it in our mind, but we must remember that God is the one who started and He has the end in mind. Most of all, he is interested in the process and how it is molding you.

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