Isolation is one thing am looking forward to winding up. After baby gal's surgery we were advised by the surgeon to keep Samara away from public places and interactions with many people for about 8 weeks. This is because despite the top of the scar having healed, the bone structure within takes about 8 weeks to heal and hence exposing her to public would mean catching things like flus which would strain her or her being carried by many people in different postures would not be too good for her healing. Think there is the theory and the practical. When we came back, it was exciting to tell people we were back but the next hurdle was to tell them that we would love them to meet baby gal but for her health and healing process, we have to keep her home for another 6 or so weeks. Quite hard it is/was. Anyways we had a scary experience because we arrived on Friday and maybe due to the travel , change of diet and weather, baby gal started running a fever on Saturday night and early Sund...