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The God of times & seasons

 Times & Seasons Belong to God

The year 2012 remains to be my most challenging year . It was a dark year, I was emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted.It was dramatic and it's  also the year that we moved houses twice while I was expectant with Jaden. We hated one of the houses but moved anyways, we had to. 

It was a dark year, I spent most of it in the washroom throwing up  or going to the doctor because I couldn't keep food down yet baby was growing as I grew thinner . A dear friend sensed something was not right with me emotionally and took me for dates but I wouldn't speak out and she patiently showered me with love. Looking back I think I was in emotional distress leaning towards depression.

When Jaden was born I thought I could finally get some sense of relief from the dark days but 1 month later baby was no more. A journey of loss and grief began and I wondered if i' d make it, I wanted to die. That year was really hard. At crossover kesha into 2013, all I could do was cry. I hated 2012 and wanted to forget it and let go, yet I didnt  want to let the year go, because my baby was born in the very year I loathed.

Today, 10years later am encouraged that times and seasons do not last, they belong to our Father. In those dark days, God drew me closer to Him and gave me hope that I could face the future because He Lives. Challenges have come many times after that but my anchor and hope is in the Lord and that has kept me going.

So my friend, it may look really dark, it may seem hopeless, but there is hope, this pain, emotion won't last forever, you will make it. Not because you are strong but because He who is strong lives inside of you.

Monday Reflection by Sylvia


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