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Choosing My Battles

I think the greatest lesson I learned from my sister and friend Emma was" learn to choose your battles". She normally tells the story better but she once and many more times told me that we have to choose which battles to fight and which ones to let go off. When you go to the forest seeking to hunt down a bear, you should not lose your focus becasue on the way you may meet squirrels and other things that may distract you...

Well I guess I have been a learning alot of late like 2 weeks ago, some pretense clients walked into our kids shop and my assistant was there alone and they managed to distract him and stole my laptop. He later called me and it was too late as he realised it was not they about half hour after they had left.  I think God just gave me grace because the laptop has been our major business tool since we started but at the time of being told, I realised there is more to life than a laptop or electronic equipment. Of course the next day when reality hit home, I felt abit low and moody but I just surrendered the issue to God. I do not have money to buy another, and I needed it more this season as I will be home for 3 months with Baby J arriving but God is never caught off guard and I know He has my back.

Yesterday Sunday after church, we decided to take a drive to Nakuru to see a relative and it was great just to be with my beloved and baby gal. We  had a good time in Nakuru with baby gal seeing a cow actually being milked by my uncle, goats, chasing the chicken, and going into the farm. We got back home about 9.30p.m. and as we drove in, I told my beloved that our househelp had not returned. The curtains were not drawn and things were as they were when we left in the morning. My beloved was so upset and wanted to call her, but I told him not to as she should communicate if there was a problem. I always thank God for Alex, as he prepared for us Ugali as I fed baby gal on some leftovers. Imagining , my due day for delivery is this Wednesday and that labour can start anytime I wondered in my mind what to sister Emma is normally of great help but she now stays abit far and if labour were to start at night we would really be stranded. I called my cousin and requested that she comes over this week as we put our house in order. As I slept, I just told myself, Sylvia choose your battle and hand it over to God.

You cant imagine , starting to look for a house girl and adjusting to a new house girl. Well , I thank God for baby gal too that she is independent and that unlike a  small child she eats what we do, she jumps into the shower and goes to school. SO this morning, we all left for school and work and locked the house. I called my househelp and she had a weird story and am handling it a step at a time, for now am content with my family and trusting God for baby J's safe delivery.

Emma sent me this pictures and they just put a smile on my face. Love you gal and I thank God for the wisdom bestowed upon you that you so freely share.


Ems Makuthi said…
Hi...thanks for that blog, i think we have both been able to impact on each other in different way. i was to use those photos and say just how much of a blessing it is to have a sister in law and a friend...will still do.

waitingarms said…
Praying everything fell into place. Has Baby J made her/his arrival? For some reason, I had thought it was a girl and then I now think it is a boy!

Baby J is the boy we have been waiting for. He is 1 week overdue and for real, waiting hasn't been that easy but indeed at God's time he will arrive. Will keep you posted.


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