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Showing posts from May, 2013

Building Faith In Our Children

A friend sent me this insightful article on how to raise children who love the Lord. This has been my desire and trust that it is yours too. Thanks Annie for sharing. How do we raise children who love the Lord? Pst Oscar and Bea Muriu We don’t have all the answers and without a shadow of doubt God has been our help; but we can share what we have learned – 4 truths that we found really important . . . READ Deut 6:1-9 Truth 1: Spiritual Nurture is the Parent’s Responsibility  Love your God with all your heart . . . completely, without reserve. It means spiritual earnestness. The way you do this is Vs 6 Impress them upon your hearts. – memorize them Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at the dinner table and when you drive to school when you put the children to bed and first thing when they get up in the morning Tie them on your hands bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the walls and on your gates. The Contempora...

Encouragement Just For Me

The past two days have been quite hard for me. Think the past 2 weeks I have just been hearing about people passing on and I attended a friend's mum's memorial. I celebrated with the family as the lady had such a lovely testimony and she looked forward to going to receive her trophy as she saw others receiving theirs. What a reassurance for them. But I realised attending the memorials was taking a toll on me and I actually told Alex I shall not attend another memorial soon if I can help it.Anyways, so my mood has been not too good, actually I have been in a foul mood. I have asked Alex to pray for my peace and he has and that helped me get through the nights. This morning, I asked God to uplift me and shake off the sadness and I read Genesis 22(Amplified Version), thanks to my sister Emma. I read on Abraham and Isaac who ha d brought him much joy & laughter. When God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son, he willing obeyed. Look at whatwas repeated twice in the same...


Looking back at the month of May, think it has been quite a stressful one. For real I have been eating biscuits and sugary stuff more than usual.  After the death of  our Pastor , am not sure I have slept fully through out the night. I find my mind straying and wondering about death and heaven. At times I have been fearful, at times my mind just won't shut. Last night, I actually got an Aha moment. I actually thought that knowing Jaden is in heaven has given me a better perspective of heaven& eternity. I now can identify more with heaven. I have been reading and researching on heaven, I wonder who is taking care of my son and it is refreshing to know that he is in good hands with God. In short, I feel like before Jaden passed on, I knew about heaven and hell. I knew I want to go to heaven through being born again. I have relatives who have passed on and I loved them but never quite did I long for heaven. But with Jaden gone, I have a motivation. Through his absence her...


Dear Sylvia Here is your word for today: Verse:         Psalm 16:8 'I keep my eyes always on the Lord, with Him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.' - What we focus on determines our state of mind. - If we focus on the problems and the troubles, we will be shaken. - But if we focus on God and His promises, we can stand secure. - Let's turn our attention and focus onto HIM. PRAYER:  Lord, right now, I choose to lift up my eyes, above the concerns and issues of life, and I look to the One who is able to do more than I could ask or think. Amen. Have a great week. K ind Regards Pastor Andrew & Vanessa Roebert ALIVE TO GOD

It does get lonely-6 Months Now

As mentioned in my earlier blogs, we lost a lovely pastor last week Wednesday. I said that I didn't know her personally but by the fact that she conducted Jaden's funeral 6months ago and that I had interacted with her a few times, I feel a great loss. It hurts to see her family cry, it hurts to see the pastoral team cry and hurt.It also hurts to see her good friends grief. Death is so painful and as I have sat in those funeral meetings, I have had fresh memories of the pain of losing a loved one. How I wish to tell them as they were told yesterday that it gets more lonely after the funeral . It gets lonely when you get home and others return to their lives and you are left to try pick up the pieces. After the funeral is when the reality dawns that truly your loved one is gone, yet they were assured that God raises a people who stand by your side in the new journey.  God brings people who pray, who cook, who call you and allow you to just pour your heart. The greatest assur...

Finding Comfort in the Midst of Grief

Yesterday, while attending Pastor Anne's funeral meeting, I turned to the front page of my Bible and read the words that I had scribbled the day I bought my pink Bible. It reads "November 2012. I bought this Bible at a time when we had lost our beloved son Jaden.I had purposed to soak myself in the Word,in the Truth, when nothing else could make sense. Despite the storm,I believe He(God) is my Rock,myAnchor and He understands the pain and hurt beyond what I can express. Therefore, I delight in the Lord and He shall guide me through His Word. Amen." As I sat in the meeting, and listened to the people speak and share about their friendship with her, I thanked God for most of them were born again. I found in my grief, I could only hang on to God and I was content knowing that He will take care of her family, pastoral team and all her friends because only He can comfort in the best way He knows how. So I agree with the bel ow article..that grief is a battleground and can...

Dealing With Grief

 I was reading Marriage Missions on dealing with grief and came by some quotes by Martha Whitmore Hickman from a book she has written. You can read more from the link attached . You may not have lost a spouse but you may have lost a loved one and thought this would give some encouragement. I picked out a few quotes. 1. “One of the things so astonishing and costly losing a loved one is that, while the sun continues to rise and set, newspapers continue to be delivered, traffic lights still change from red to green and back again, our whole life is turned around, turned upside down. Is it any wonder we feel disoriented and confused? Yet the people we pass on the street are going about their business as though no one’s world has been shaken to the core, as though earth has not opened and swallowed us up, dropped us into a world of insecurity and change. “It is, as Emily Dickinson says, ‘a new road’ —for us as...

Positive Influences

My heart is so saddened. This morning a friend called me to inquire whether the text message she had received was true. The message stated that Pastor Anne of Kileleshwa Covenant Community Church - K3C )( the church that we attend) had passed on this morning. I was serving a client and pushed it to the back of my mind briefly but hoped it was false, yet again I knew if a text is already being circulated it may be true. Long story short, sadly Pastor Anne had rested and details would be provided later. Why did this sadden me? Because, I hugged her 2 Sundays ago after a ladies meeting we had in church and had a chit chat. I obviously had seen her after that in Church but we didn't interact much. Actually, I got to know her when we so desperately needed people to conduct Jaden's funeral service 6 months ago. We had joined K3C church around August last year but had not officially introduced ourselves to the Pastoral team. When Jaden passed on, the church sent Pastor Anne and Pa...

Psalm 40:2

Verse:         Psalm 40:2 'He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.' - The Lord is the great rescuer and deliverer. - No hole is so deep that HE cannot rescue you out of it. - HE can bring us back from a place of complete destruction. - And He will give you a firm place to stand. PRAYER:  Lord, thank You for this promise and the reminder that You are able to rescue and deliver me. Once again, I place my trust and confidence in You. Amen. Have a wonderful Wednesday. K ind Regards Pastor Andrew & Vanessa Roebert ALIVE TO GOD Email: Visit our website

6 months Already

At 6 months babies celebrate major milestones.They sit ,wean and look all cute. This Friday, it shall be 6months since we held Jaden. Somehow my mind doesn't allow me to imagine how he would be looking at 7months. Guess God allowed my mind to handle the 4 Saturdays he gave Jaden to us and am content. I have been privileged to talk to women who either miscarried or lost their babies immediately after birth. I am grateful for the sweet memories and Joy Jaden brought to our lives for the time we were together. Short yes but precious times. Didn't know what to write today but I wanted to  note that:- I have come to know God is very real and is  near. He touches where it hurts and soothes the pains. Each day has become more bearable.Some days pass and I do not think about about my loss. I hardly hear the baby next door cry nor do I notice his clothes hang outside as I used to. Samara had stopped to ask about her brother but last week she did and we talked about Jaden. It s...

Much Needed Encouragement

Hi Sylvia, Hoping you are keeping well. Today I write to you  as, a fellow mom. Just to let you know that I do think about you and pray for you though I might not tell you. I cannot claim to understand what you go through daily, at the back of your mind knowing that you lost dear Jaden, but what I do know is that it is painful and can be numbing at times. Today I've just gone through your blog and I knew I had to write to you. Why so? Because my baby boy arrived on 5 April, exactly four Fridays ago. I have shed tears as I 'catched up' with your blog, because I am putting myself in your shoes - especially on this very day. I pray that God will continue to carry you through this journey, and that he will continue to provide you with the comfort that you need. I know that chronicling your painful journey through your blog is helping other moms out there, though you may not know it. Just keep writing, God uses us in different ways and this just might be the ...