A friend sent me this insightful article on how to raise children who love the Lord. This has been my desire and trust that it is yours too. Thanks Annie for sharing. How do we raise children who love the Lord? Pst Oscar and Bea Muriu We don’t have all the answers and without a shadow of doubt God has been our help; but we can share what we have learned – 4 truths that we found really important . . . READ Deut 6:1-9 Truth 1: Spiritual Nurture is the Parent’s Responsibility Love your God with all your heart . . . completely, without reserve. It means spiritual earnestness. The way you do this is Vs 6 Impress them upon your hearts. – memorize them Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at the dinner table and when you drive to school when you put the children to bed and first thing when they get up in the morning Tie them on your hands bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the walls and on your gates. The Contempora...