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Showing posts from September, 2012

Peer Pressure

Am not sure whether I mentioned that the other day I as I picked Samara from school, she innocently asked me whether I would buy her a Ben 10 bag. I told her she has a nice bag and didn't need a Ben 10 bag. I was shocked that peer pressure starts early. So this morning, I asked her teacher whether there are kids with Ben 10 bags and she said actually they have 5 kids with the Ben 10 bags that you drag and a few girls have the princess bags. So I told her no wonder baby girl was asking about the bag and she was like " you should buy her a princess bag". What? I told her no, her kings collection bag is good enough. Anyways. I have heard many parents say how they receive pressure from schools regarding celebration of birthday parties, the kind of toys kids have, etc. Anyways for us , we shall not give into pressure.

This Is Me Now

I promised to practice being thankful. This morning my beloved reminded me that this may be my last week to be pregnant i.e am on week 39 and he was I should enjoy because I will miss it. I looked at him in shock and wondered what is there to miss about being pregnant? I am most humble and proud to be carrying baby boy and having had the privilege to carry Samara but I wondered what would I miss. Well maybe I will miss being allowed to skip the queue in "some" banks. My friend Sandra insisted on taking me a picture yesterday so that is me at work yesterday. I miss my skin complexion, I miss sleeping all night on my tummy or turning easily in bed. I miss touching my feet without asking for help. I still can't understand how the stomach can stretch that much..infact I was asking  Alex, how do the men with 1 packs handle there tummies? Maybe it is not as heavy as it is with a baby in there. I also do not like the worried look on many peoples faces when one enters the lif...


Yesterday evening, I was watching Joyce Meyer and she challenged the audience to be thankful . To appreciate all God has given us and the small and big things people in our lives do for us. She asked, what would happen if we lifted our hands every morning, lunchtime, evening and just said thank you to God? She also noted, it is much easier for us to lament and complain about things rather than thank God. At times we even complain over and over about the same thing we are praying about and how do we expect to get a response? Oh, remember that the things that happen in our lives, God intends them to make us better people while the devil intends the very same thing to destroy us.Let us allow God to mold us, to become better.This morning am thankful and desire to train myself to be thankful for all the good and not so good things happening in my life. Have a thankful week won't you?

Bad Tooth Ache

Bad tooth Lame foot: 21/09/2012   Have you ever gone through the experience of having an aching tooth? For some reason many times an aching tooth will manifest in the middle of the night and it becomes a nightmare. The pain is almost unbearable and you cannot sleep. You promise yourself that as soon as it is daylight, you will head straight to the dentist. Come morning and it’s not that painful and after taking some pain killers you talk yourself out of going to see a dentist but that night you go though the excruciating pain again. A friend of mine went through so much pain that he actually took a set of pliers and yanked out a tooth in the middle of the night. The pain was just unbearable! Proverbs 25:19     Like a bad tooth or a lame foot is reliance on the unfaithful in times of trouble. We are all looking for a good and faithful friend but the question is, are you a good and faithful friend? Are you reliable, can I count on you to be there? It...

The God who provides. (Jehovah Jireh)

The God who provides. (Jehovah Jireh) Genesis 22:9-15 When they arrived at the place where God had told him to go, Abraham built an altar and arranged the wood on it. Then he tied his son, Isaac, and laid him on the altar on top of the wood. 10 And Abraham picked up the knife to kill his son as a sacrifice. 11 At that moment the angel of the LORD called to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!”    “Yes,” Abraham replied. “Here I am!”  12 “Don’t lay a hand on the boy!” the angel said. “Do not hurt him in any way, for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld from me even your son, your only son.”  13 Then Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in a thicket. So he took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering in place of his son. 14 Abraham named the place Yahweh-Yireh (which means “the LORD will provide”). I often wonder if I were in Abraham’s position, would I have gone that far? What was going through his mind when ...

Our 2 year 9month Old

Baby gal is at an age where she determines whether you are her friend or not depending on what she perceives pleases her. So she unleashes sentences like ..: Mummy are you my friend? or Mummy you are not my friend now". When I take her to be and she had said am not her friend, she says mummy sit on my bed you are my friend now. Anyways yesterday she put her daddy is an awkward position. We were watching TV and she was lying on my beloved and she said " Mummy , daddy is not your friend" and I told her ask daddy whether he is my friend. So she asked and daddy responded "Oh yes mummy is my friend". We also have a house help in the house and the next sentence was "daddy is aunty XX your friend?"..I was very keen to hear his response. Alex evaded that question by reassuring her that mummy and Samara are his friends. The questions kids ask in their innocence. But in all that, baby gal keeps reminding us how relational we are. We can not do without relat...

A lovely Weekend

Today  we are at 38 weeks and we doing the countdown to holding baby J in our arms. Quite exciting I must say. Over the weekend I was telling my beloved that it is amazing how the floor seems so far. If something drops or you need to reach out for something, it really takes lots of effort but if you have helpful hands like baby gal's and her daddy life is bearable. Samara will always pick the shoe for mummy and I only need to slip my leg into the shoes. Anyways, we were just chilling out at home on Saturday , when my sister Emma called and said she would love to pick Samara for the weekend.At Emma's home she is able to play with her three cousins. We quickly packed her bag and she couldn't even sit inside the house, she was seated at the door. Thankfully tata Emma was close by and the wait wasn't too long. That left us home alone and I tell you we just chilled, no pressure to cook and it was relaxing. We had an impromptu date, went to eat junk food(not healthy) and ...


My friend Carol is so committed to forwarding devotionals to many every morning. Her passion is just amazing. Carol sent this devotional from Max Lucado and I thought we could read it together. You do not have to be married for it to make sense.We all have routines whether single or married. God Answers the Mess of Life You stare into the darkness. The ceiling fan whirls above you. Your husband slumbers next to you. In minutes the alarm will sound, and the demands of the day will shoot you like a clown out of a cannon into a three-ring circus of meetings, bosses, and baseball practices. And for the millionth time you'll make breakfast, schedules, and payroll...  but for the life of you, you can't make sense of this thing called life. Its beginnings and endings.  Cradles and cancers and cemeteries and questions. The meaning of life!  The poor choices of life. God answers the mess of life with one word:  grace!  Do we really understand it? Ezekie...

Back To School

Baby gal has been on school holiday since August 3rd , for about a month and it has been such fun to hang out with her. We have noted such growth, development and maturity in her at times its scary. She seems to have a mind of her own. Can you believe this baby we brought home the other day can refuse to wear a certain outfit. She has become so girly and is interested in wearing dresses so that she can go round and round with them. And please may the dress be pink please. Oh you do not make promises and not fulfil because she now remembers and will remind you. Well , after our move to our new home, we have taken 2 bus rides with her and it was so much fun. Everyone must have known it was her first ride because she pointed out at other buses, other vehicles, the motor bikes and I loved every bit of it because she was able to say that not everyone has a car...the only challenge came when she slept and I had to carry her out of the bus..but little sacrifices for lifes lessons not bad. ...

My Pregnancy Journey

I have been intending to blog about my pregnancy journey and I get to do it today. When we discovered we were pregnant with baby gal 2 years ago , we were pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the journey. My appetite was great, energy levels were high,  added lots of weight steadily, not much discomfort and basically was a great journey. The only downer was that I become so dark and well was not keen to look at myself on top of the shocker of not fitting into clothes. After baby gal's surgery last year, we felt that we should plan for baby number 2 and we have been totally blessed and honoured to walk this second journey with baby J. We are currently at week 36 but the scan last week was saying we at week 33. Yeah, my weight has been almost constant for the longest at 65 only added 1 kg from 64, baby was said to be so small at 2.2KG last week's scan and that was not funny but the doctor says nothing to worry. This pregnancy has been so different...around week 6, I blo...

I Will Bless The Lord

Verse:         Psalm 34:1 I WILL bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. - This is a lifestyle we need to develop. - A lifestyle of praising God no matter what happens. - We need to decide that we will praise Him constantly. - Determine that you WILL praise the Lord today! DECLARATION:  I will praise the Lord no matter what happens.