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Showing posts from October, 2016

4 Years Already

My dearest Jaden, I can't believe that October is here again and October 13th you would have been 4 years . Time sure does fly baby and hope you having a blast in Heaven. The other day, your big sister Samara asked when is your birthday. I found that question strange but was proud to say October 13th and am sure she marked the date in her heart. I am so happy that through you Jaden, I became a mum of 2. Through you coming into our lives, my eyes were opened to eternity and a closer relationship with God. I miss you most times. The other day, I met a boy who is almost 4years and for a moment I imagined that you were that size. Oh baby boy, am so thankful to God for all and I promise to celebrate your 4th birthday in my own way. We love you and we still love October, its my best month.