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The rawness of grief

I woke up this morning feeling very moody. I was feeling quite impatient even with baby gal as I prepared her for school and kept telling myself I can’t do this when I felt she was not cooperating. Well, a close relative, with all the love wrote me an email yesterday stating that “we need a chat on the causes of congenital heart defect which are partly unknown but also genetically caused. While one can do nothing about the genetic component the environmental association can be controlled especially within the first three months of pregnancy. You need to keep healthy, minimize stress and gain some weight” .

Frankly speaking, this is an area I would rather steer clear away from because it brings out my greatest fears. You know baby gal had an open heart surgery in October 2011 to close the "hole in the heart"(ASD ) she had. We asked what would have caused it and the doctors said it can not be explained but also may be caused by maybe drugs or something consumed in early months of pregnancy and as much as I wanted to believe that it could have been caused by an unknown, I had also been given some drug in my early weeks of pregnancy, because the doctors nor us knew we were pregnant..there was a misdiagnosis. Throughout that pregnancy I kept praying that baby was well and she came out all good until we discovered she had the ASD and I felt guilty and at back of my mind blamed the radiologist who misdiagnosed but I thought I forgave.I guess the surgery brought much healing to us, the dark cloud had passed.

After the surgery, I was scared to get pregnant again, maybe the same heart issue would recur. But in life there are no guarantees..We conceived in January 2012 and this time round I was very careful about the drugs I took, always pointing out that am pregnant even to the  doctors/chemist for simple drugs and reading the leaflets and raising my concern if anything pointed out that the drug was not ideal for pregnant women. 

I must admit that carrying baby J was very different from Samara’s. I have blogged before on all the challenges I had and I remember admitting to my sister that it was a difficult pregnancy. Truth be told I feared, I kept feeling like I would lose my baby, not sure why but I kept telling the Lord to uphold me, take care of the baby. Sometime in June, I fell sick with a flu that lasted for about 3 weeks, did a few doctor visits,  antibiotics which didn’t help to much and finally ended up seeing a chest physician who gave me inhalers that made me feel so much better. I didn’t eat much ,vomited and hardly gained weight(you see where the fears were). Every appointment with the doctor, I asked whether baby was good, was he affected by my being unwell for that duration. Despite my not gaining weight, baby’s heart beat and growth were ok and I kept hopeful.

Fast forward, baby J arrived 10 days past his due date, 3.15kgs and a joy to us and 3 weeks down the line, we go see our cardiologist and my worst nightmare comes true. Baby J’s heart is fine but he has coarctation/narrowing of the aorta  which is a major vein for transporting blood to the rest of the lower body but it can be repaired with an end to end surgery. When I saw the doctor remove the echo machine, my heart almost popped out of my body. I shared my worst fears with him and Alex but the doc said he understood but we would rather know. 

That night I asked my beloved whether my genes  contributed to heart issues..why were our babies having issues I asked the doctor and he again said at times you just cant explain it , it just happens..I did not want to hear that..Why did it just have to happen to us? Infact in my mind I knew, baby J was our last born..I was not going to go through pregnancy again…never once did I think baby J would be no more…the cardiologist during his visit after we were admitted with baby J, mentioned that for our next baby/pregnancy , I would have to be monitored through out..and again in my head I was like I do not want to discuss this because am not getting another baby, am done and happy with our 2 babies.

So getting that email yesterday, brought out so much guilt, I am not sure whether I am to blame. I am preaching to myself and saying God knows us even before we are in our mother’s God knew Jaden,, infact He gave me the name Jaden when I was 5months pregnant and it means in Hebrew “God Heard”. I am born again and love the Lord but sincerely speaking I do not understand and I may never understand why our son had to go so soon. I have wondered many times..why Lord did you give me that name? What have you heard because I pleaded for life for Jaden but you chose to take him? Why did you take Jaden away? Why did he have the narrowing of the aorta? What does that mean for us? Ironically, I  know Jaden lived for the time God had planned for him  to live from January -November 10th 2012 and achieved his purpose....such a painful reality, as I feel like God pulled a rug underneath my unexpected..

My beloved has been of immense support. I shared the email with him, and shared my thoughts of maybe I am to blame for baby J’ being unwell putting the facts on the table. He reassured me that none of us is to blame and it is ok to miss baby J but not to go to the whys or blame game.He said baby J would love us to be strong and happy and not to blame ourselves. He reassured me of his love and that God loves us and that He is sovereign and our destiny is in His Hand. He said how he and baby gal need me healthy and well . That I should not accept to go down that road of depression.

 I am trying to preach to myself, listen to preachings and songs just to keep ministering to myself. Oh dear Lord uphold me, do not let me slip , because without you am not able.


Ems Makuthi said…
Sweetheart...i do not know what to say...but i would truly encourage you to focus on the truth...the word of God..Despite it all...He works all things together for good..and i would really encourage you not to go to excessive will only weigh you down...
waitingarms said…
Please allow yourself the opportunity to grieve. Somedays will be better than others, but in all of them, Christ shares your heartbreak. Please try not to go the route of selfblame as you try to make sense of this tragedy, I am sad about the email that only served to cause you more heartache. Sometimes, we attempt to explain everything away and offer 'advise' that is not really helpful, and mosttimes not grounded in our expertise in the particular field we are offering advise in. Please cling to the info provided by the medical experts. Praying for your family as you walk this hard road.

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